My name is Alessandro Amico, I live in Piedmont, a region of Italy. I work in Classical Osteopathy. Last year I was in Houston, Texas, I really wanted to meet Dr. Gregory Johnson because I was fascinated by the technique he used for his patients. I had been following him on YouTube channels for a few years. So I contacted him. They were very friendly, I managed the administrative part with Mrs. Renea, who immediately proved to be kind and helpful. Dr. Gregory welcomed me with great enthusiasm and a great desire to pass on to me what he has studied over the years. What a wonderful experience! He showed me so much professionalism and managed to make me understand what I needed and what I can now give to my patients. The Ring Dinger? Simply fantastic! Thank you Dr. Gregory, I really hope to be able to come back to you. With respect and affection.

Dr. Alessandro Amico

I attended the Advanced Chiropractic Equipment seminar on April 22-24, 2024 to learn the Ring Dinger and Johnson Biophysics Technique. First off, this was the only seminar I have ever been to that took place in the Chiropractor’s office during business hours. That meant I learned what he does by watching him in practice with actual patients. I got to see how he deals with patient’s questions, how he treats them and how they respond. Of all the technique seminars I have done, I have never seen the technique practiced in real time. I have seen chiropractors adjust other chiropractors in a seminar but patients are different. Patients have different questions, different responses and different fears than fellow chiropractors. By learning the Ring Dinger and Johnson Biophysics in practice you can truly learn how to treat patients in your own practice.

The Ring Dinger, which you will learn in this seminar, is in demand. Dr. Johnson’s YouTube videos have created a demand which has brought me patients from hours away.  Once you see the outcomes in your own office you will want to make your own videos so others can see the changes it has made in people’s lives.

This technique will change your life too. Since we started doing the Ring Dinger in our office we have increased our revenue and we continue to break records. It is such a fun adjustment to deliver, I really enjoy doing it. Most importantly, the repeatable results you get from your patients are remarkable.. At this point I have only been doing the Ring Dinger about 7 weeks and I have seen multiple patients who were told they needed back surgery become pain free.

Bottom line, this technique seminar has changed my practice more than all others put together! It is well worth your time and money to learn from Dr. Johnson. I thank him for how he has changed our practice. 

Dr. Jason Dotson, DC
Dr Eric Herman

Hello, I wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation towards Dr. Gregory Johnson for teaching me The Johnson Technique in 2020. Since starting to offer it as the main focus of my practice I have noticed that my patients have been improving at an accelerated rate. Many severe and up till then, chronic problems, such as Sciatica and other neuromuscular/neurological spinal issues have been resolving in a fraction of time and visits compared to before using The Ring Dinger® and Full Body Adjustment as Dr. Johnson teaches.

We have experienced a significant increase of new patients mostly coming from referrals and social media and most patients are driving an hour or more to receive The Ring Dinger® and Full Body Adjustment.

I am so very excited that as of January 1, 2022 I have been self pay only. Becoming free of 3rd party reimbursement has been an extremely liberating experience. I now charge a higher but fare fee and get paid immediately.

In conclusion, after 25 years in practice I have more passion and fun now with much lower stress then ever before.

Thank you Dr. Johnson

Dr. Eric Herman, DC
Matthew Tuttle D.C

Training with Dr. Johnson and purchasing the ACE Ring Dinger® table has been one of the best decisions I have made in practice. We are able to operate an all cash practice and stay busy even with the highest fees in our area. Our patients love that we actually take appropriate time to examine them and adjust them properly, so they keep coming back as needed without being sold on a scripted care plan. Dr. Johnson has a great business model. At the seminar you will learn the key to a low overhead / high profit / all cash practice – God, Family, and XYZ. Having the Ring Dinger® table has set us apart in our area. We have had patients come from as far as North Dakota and Michigan all the way to South Carolina for the Ring Dinger®. The results we get with the Ring Dinger® table are awesome. We recently had a patient who could not toe raise. We referred him for an MRI which showed a severe herniated disc at L5/S1. He had an appointment scheduled with an orthopedic surgeon a month out. After about 8 visits over the month he was 90% better. The orthopedic told him he would have performed emergency surgery based on the MRI images if the symptoms were present at that time and he was amazed when he walked in almost 100% better! #TeamRingDinger® If you have any questions give us a call – Premier Chiropractic Solutions 864-336-5275

– Matthew Tuttle D.C.
Dr Daniel Rude

After seeing Dr. Johnson’s videos on YouTube and how he combined Biophysics chiropractic protocol and spinal decompression, I was interested to learn more. In my practice I have a lot of patients with forward head posture and I was looking for an adjustment protocol to help correct this spinal misalignment. After I found that the manual spinal neural decompression table was made by Hill Laboratories, my favorite table company, I decided to purchase the table. With this purchase came my amazing introduction to Dr. Johnson. I have really enjoyed my hands-on training under the personal tutelage of Dr. Johnson. I would recommend other chiropractors look into the Y-axis adjusting technique into their chiropractic practice! Dr. Johnson is the real deal, a very skilled and knowledgeable chiropractor who cares about his patients and providing chiropractors with training to improve their skills.

Stand Tall, – Dr. Daniel Rude’ D.C.
Spinal Neural Decompression Table

As a healthcare provider with over 27 years of experience in chiropractic care, I have seen many patients with a variety of conditions. However, I have found that utilizing the Ring Dinger® technique and Dr. Johnson’s protocols has truly set my practice apart in a crowded market.

The Ring Dinger® technique, which involves the use of a specialized table and technique has helped me to provide my patients with a unique and effective approach to spinal decompression. This technique has enabled me to treat a variety of conditions, including herniated discs, sciatica, and chronic back pain, with greater certainty and results than other traditional chiropractic methods.

Dr. Johnson’s protocols have also been invaluable in helping me to improve patient outcomes. These protocols focus on a comprehensive approach to care, incorporating a thorough history, examination, and treatment plan that is tailored to each individual patient’s needs. By utilizing these protocols, I have been able to provide my patients with a more holistic approach to care that addresses the root cause of their condition, rather than just treating their symptoms.

Overall, utilizing the Ring Dinger® technique and Dr. Johnson’s protocols has helped me to differentiate my practice in a crowded market and improve patient outcomes. With over 27 years of experience, I can confidently say that these techniques have provided me with the tools I need to help my patients achieve their health goals and live pain-free lives.

Since utilizing Dr Johnson’s protocols I went from insurance dependency to a 85% Cash practice

Dr Steven Shoshany
Ali Elahi

The Y-axis neural manual decompression treatment, commonly referred to as the Ring Dinger ®, is an incredibly powerful tool for chiropractors in the treatment of spinal conditions. As a chiropractor, I have always been a follower of Dr. Gregory Johnson’s YouTube channel, even when I was a student at Palmer College of Chiropractic. However, despite my training, I always felt that there was something lacking in my ability to effectively treat patients with spinal issues.

After sustaining a disc injury in a motor vehicle accident, I personally experienced the effectiveness of the Ring Dinger ® treatment. Following numerous chiropractic visits, physical therapy sessions, epidural steroid injections, massage therapy, exercise, and medications for over a year and a half, I was still experiencing severe pain and numbness in my lower back, along with radiating pain down my left leg. With surgery recommended as the only remaining option, I decided to undergo the Ring Dinger spinal decompression treatment.

Immediately following my first Ring Dinger ® session, I experienced significant pain relief, and after just three more sessions in the same week, I was virtually pain-free. As a result of my personal experience with the Ring Dinger ®, I became a team Ring Dinger ® doctor and attended the associated seminar.

The team Ring Dinger® seminar is one of the best seminars I have attended as a chiropractor. Dr. Johnson’s thorough and professional manner in treating patients is remarkable, and the results and satisfaction that his patients experience are truly impressive. The seminar not only teaches the Ring Dinger® technique, but also provides training on how to conduct the best history, orthopedic and neurological exams, and how to be the best doctor possible for one’s patients.

As a result of my experience with the Ring Dinger® and attendance at the team Ring Dinger® seminar, I highly recommend it to any chiropractor looking to enhance their treatment approach and become the best in their region.

-Ali Elahi
Dr Josh Rickert

Dr. Johnson and The Ring Dinger® Full Spine have been an ABSOLUTE GIFT to the Chiropractic profession! I have been following Dr Johnson on YouTube since 2013-14 and I knew if there was ever an opportunity to train with him, it would be a TOTAL GAME CHANGER…in September 2022, a dream became a reality! I was able to do a 3-Day Hands-On Live Case Intensive with Dr. Johnson and his staff that covered everything from case management to establishing a cash fee schedule, reviewing current literature and navigating the world of social media, and becoming monetized.

Since implementing Dr. Johnson’s system, our practice has exploded! Not only are we transitioning away from insurance based care, but we are attracting cash paying patients from all over the country! Every single week, we have patients traveling hours and hours to see us, passing hundreds, if not thousands of chiropractors along the way! Many of these patients have seen countless providers with little to no resolve and they’re looking for a lasting solution. This table, this adjustment and this system will equip you with the tools necessary to tackle hard cases! Simply put, it’s the REAL DEAL and it will change you and your patients forever!

So what does it take to join Team Ring Dinger® ? It takes courage, commitment, willingness to work, an investment in yourself, and call/email to Dr Johnson

Dr. Josh Rickert
Phil-Yamamoto D.C.

I’ve been a chiropractor since 1995 and specialize in spinal decompression using the DRX 9000 up until last year when I discovered Dr. Johnson and the Ring Dinger ® ️ This is hands down the most value I’ve ever received from a chiropractic seminar. I added the Ring Dinger® spinal decompression adjustment to my practice a year ago and haven’t looked back. I am known for the DRX 9000 spinal decompression and have people coming into my office looking for that treatment but the DRX 9000 is now my plan B. My plan A is always now the Ring Dinger® as it’s quicker, less expensive but works better for the patient and for me.

Never in my wildest dreams would I ever think I would have people flying into Orange County, Southern California from out of state and from out of the country to get the Ring Dinger® but now it’s just the norm, and happens frequently. Dr. Johnson is the Michael Jordan or Steve Jobs of our Profession and is the best chiropractor I’ve ever met or known, and he’s come up with the best thing to happen to chiropractic since D.D. Palmer himself. I’m very appreciative of Dr. Johnson for coming up with the Ring Dinger® and for allowing me to be part of his Ring Dinger® Team.
Sincerely , Phil Yamamoto, D.C.
Dr. Sam Ruiz

This is hands down the most value I’ve ever received from a chiropractic seminar. I added the Ring Dinger® decompression adjustment to my arsenal about a year ago and I’m glad I pulled the trigger!

It has fit right into the flow of my adjusting style and has also drastically improved the results for many of my existing clientele. I’ve always taken care of a lot of cops, truck drivers and gym people so the addition of the Ring Dinger® has been a godsend for them.

I’ve also been getting tons of new people driving in from hours away and flying in from out of town. Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Colorado, Mexico, Australia, Kenya. Love it or hate it people are searching for chiropractors that provide the Ring Dinger® on a daily basis.

The awesome part is my office collections and income has also increased while decreasing the number of people I adjust per day. My wrists and shoulders are loving it!
Sam Ruiz, DC
Dr Ken Krimpelbein

I have always been passionate about improving patient outcomes. The case management and Ring Dinger® technique I learned this week from Dr. Johnson are going to benefit my patients immensely. What I appreciate the most was the clinical aspect of the seminar.

-Dr. Ken Krimpelbein
Vy Hoang
For a few years I had thought about finding a chiropractic adjusting seminar to go to because I was burnt out for a number of years and wanted to see if a seminar could revitalize my energy again for chiropractic.  And after looking around I realized that there weren’t that many, if any, to choose from.  I came across Dr. Gregory Johnson’s website after watching his YouTube videos with my husband.  We were going to fly down to Houston for Dr. Johnson to do the Ring Dinger® treatments for my husband who injured his back in the military and immediately knew that the Johnson Y-Axis adjustments® would help him, but never could find the time that worked for both of us to go. Lucky for us, I somehow stumbled upon the Advanced Chiropractic Adjusting Seminar and signed up immediately. A month later, I was in Houston to experience the Ring Dinger® for myself.  It was the most unique feeling ever because it takes your breath away at first and then you feel amazing.  And getting to shadow Dr. Johnson who has 40+ years of experience was something I never thought I would’ve had an opportunity to do.  He is a great mentor and trainer and just wants us to succeed just as he has. I soaked up as much information as I could in the 3 days, and I am now seeing patients that have called or emailed me to schedule appointments to come get the treatment because they saw me on YouTube with Dr. Johnson.  I’m now part of Team Ring Dinger® and Dr. Johnson and his team are pretty much doing the work for me by listing my clinic location on his website.  He’s built a reputation for himself and has helped to grow the chiropractic profession to new heights because of his huge presence on YouTube, which makes it so easy for Team Ring Dinger® doctors to see immediate results as far as generating new patients. We are sought out because we stand out, just by being associated with the Johnson Biophysics® Ring Dinger® technique. I appreciated the training so much! Thanks again Dr. Gregory Johnson!   
Vy Hoang, D.C. , The Chiropractic Connection
Dr Eric J Prather

As chiropractic physicians, it is our responsibility to carry the profession forward by becoming better diagnosticians, increasing our scope of practice and improving our awareness of how adjustments affect the nervous system. If one truly understood the most current neuroscience on adjusting, then the Ring Dinger® procedure becomes self explanatory. Our patients are enjoying faster results and improved functional outcomes. As a result, they are more willing to refer others, and that keeps a practice fresh and thriving. The Ring Dinger® brings the WOW factor back to chiropractic!

Best of Health,
Dr. Eric J. Prather, DC, BS, DIANM
Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine
Of all my years taking Chiropractic seminars, I finally found one that’s truly changed my practice. Dr. Johnson’s Advanced Chiropractic Seminars are a must go. You don’t just sit behind table and look at power point presentations. Dr. Johnson teaches you how to properly take a thorough history, rule out contra-indications to chiropractic care and how to execute the most effective techniques in Chiropractic. I’ve never attended a seminar with this much “hands-on” and mostly you’re one-on-one with Dr. Johnson. Since implementing Johnson Biophysics ® and Ring Dinger ® techniques into my office, I’ve had better clinical outcomes in way less visits. I’m excited again about going into the office. Soon, this will be the only technique I’ll be using on all of my patients. Dr. Johnson truly cares about this profession and wants to see all his students succeed. He’s become a great mentor to me and I can’t thank him enough! Regards,
Carmelo Bantique, DC. , Bantique Chiropractic

Official Team Ring Dinger® announcement regarding Advanced Chiropractic Equipment and Seminars ACES

Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC will only accept licensed D.C.s who invest in our entire program using our comprehensive medical history protocols, adhere to our procedures and Registered Federal Trademarks in their chiropractic practices. To ensure public safety. Licensed D.C.s must perform very comprehensive medical history taking and make safe accepted clinical decisions for patient safety and/or referral to other healthcare providers when necessary. They must.use our specialized chiropractic table The Ring Dinger® table made by Hill Laboratories in Pennsylvania, enroll in and pass our Advanced Chiropractic Seminar using our history and exam protocols, procedures, adjusting techniques so they can deliver Johnson BioPhysics®, the Johnson Y Axis Adjustment® aka the Ring Dinger® adjustment safely and effectively to the public.

The Ring Dinger® Johnson Y Axis Adjustment® is a serious chiropractic adjustment and must be done the way Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson does it at Advanced Chiropractic Relief in Houston Texas. Official Team Ring Dinger® trained and certified by Dr. GregoryJohnson at Advanced Chiropractic Relief in Houston, Texas. ACES is building an elite Team of providers who comply with our procedures, protocols and chiropractic adjusting techniques as taught in our seminar to licensed D.C.s in the United States.

ACES now has worldwide trademark protection adding value to our foreign D.C.s who attend and pass our seminar, purchase our tables and use our trademarks in their digital marketing platforms. Our Official Team Ring Dinger® Chiropractors must be able to perform our adjusting techniques safely and effectively to the public. We teach all of these protocols and procedures in our three day Ring Dinger® seminar held every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 AM CST to 4 PM in our Houston office, Advanced Chiropractic Relief.

Official Team Ring Dinger Practitioners must sign our contract spelling out the legal agreement to hold themselves out as trained and certified Team Ring Dinger Providers. This contract is on our website under legal. All Out of State US chiropractors must obtain a temporary Texas license from the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners TBCE so they can perform all of the Johnson BioPhysics® adjustments including the Johnson Y Axis Adjustment® aka the Ring Dinger® Y axis adjustment. Our seminar is by invitation only to qualified licensed chiropractors in the US. We only invite licensed D.C.s who purchase our full package of products and services to represent themselves as Official Team Ring Dinger Providers anywhere in the world. Dr. Gregory E Johnson has secured trademark protection around the globe to protect the investment that Official Team Ring Dinger Providers make when they sign up with us.

Advanced Chiropractic Equipment & Seminars welcomes all Licensed Chiropractors who want to provide our successful Chiropractic techniques, safely and effectively to the public using our protocols, procedures and business principles please fill out our seminar survey on our website here

Think You're Ready to Join the Official Ring Dinger® Team?

Only Licensed D.C.s Committed to Excellence Can Apply

Becoming part of the elite Team Ring Dinger® means adhering to strict protocols, using exclusive equipment, and completing our rigorous training. Ensure public safety and perform the Johnson Y Axis Adjustment® the way it was intended.