Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC

Upgrade Your Chiropractic Equipment with Ease: A Guide for Ring Dinger® Docs

Thinking about upgrading your chiropractic equipment but worried about upfront costs? Relax. This summer, NCMIC is offering an unbeatable equipment financing deal that can help you enhance your practice without financial stress.

Summer Equipment Financing: What's Available?

With NCMIC’s summer equipment financing, you can enjoy:

  • No Payments for 90 Days: Take the entire summer (and then some) to benefit from your upgraded equipment before paying.

  • No Prepayment Penalties: Pay off your financing early without extra fees.

  • No Down Payment: Get started without paying anything upfront.

  • Fast Credit Decisions: Receive credit decisions in 2 hours, so you can get your equipment quickly.

  • Soft Credit Check Only: Your credit score won’t be impacted by a formal inquiry.

What is the Ring Dinger®?

The Ring Dinger® is a powerful spinal decompression technique developed by Dr. Gregory Johnson. This technique involves a manual, high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust applied to the patient’s spine while they lie on a specialized adjustment table. The aim is to relieve pressure and pain in the spine by creating space between the vertebrae. This method is particularly effective for patients suffering from herniated discs, sciatica, and other forms of back pain.

Why This Matters for Ring Dinger® Docs

As a Ring Dinger® doc, you understand the importance of having the right equipment to deliver effective spinal decompression treatments. The Ring Dinger® technique, known for its dramatic and immediate results, requires precision and reliability in equipment. Upgrade to the latest chiropractic tables and tools can significantly enhance your ability to perform these adjustments and improve patient outcomes.

Benefits of Upgrading Your Equipment

  • Improved Precision and Effectiveness: Advanced chiropractic tables and tools are designed to provide more precise adjustments, helping you deliver better results for your patients.
  • Enhanced Patient Experience: New equipment often comes with improved comfort features, making treatment more pleasant.
  • Increased Efficiency: Modern equipment can streamline your workflow, allowing you to treat more patients in less time without compromising quality.

Connecting the Dots with Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC

If you’re looking for top-of-the-line chiropractic equipment, Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC offers a range of packages specifically designed for practitioners like you. Their comprehensive packages ensure you have everything you need to perform Ring Dinger® adjustments effectively and safely.

By leveraging NCMIC’s summer equipment financing, you can access these premium packages without upfront financial burden. This allows you to focus on what you do best—providing exceptional care to your patients—while enjoying the benefits of the latest technology. Financing options can be particularly advantageous for new practitioners who may not have substantial capital to invest in top-tier equipment immediately. By spreading the cost over time, they can access high-quality tools right from the start, enhancing their practice’s credibility and effectiveness. This financial flexibility allows them to focus on building a strong patient base and delivering outstanding care without the strain of large upfront expenses.


Upgrade your chiropractic equipment doesn’t have to be expensive. With NCMIC’s summer equipment financing, you can enjoy no payments for 90 days, no prepayment penalties, and fast credit decisions. Take this opportunity to enhance your practice, improve patient outcomes, and stay ahead in chiropractic care. Fast credit decisions are crucial because they allow practitioners to upgrade their equipment without lengthy delays, ensuring they can quickly start reaping the benefits of advanced tools. This means minimal disruption to their practice and the ability to enhance patient care promptly. Rapid credit approvals also reduce the stress and uncertainty associated with waiting, enabling chiropractors to focus on their primary goal—providing top-notch care to their patients.

Don’t wait—take advantage of this fantastic offer and upgrade your equipment today. Your patients will thank you, and your practice will thrive.

Upgrade now and beat the heat with no payments for 90 days!

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